
16S Identification
Bacteria were identified by 16S sequence.

Mass spectrometry Identification
Identification of microorganisms by mass spectrometry data.

Biochemistry Identification
Biochemistry Identification
Susceptibility Information

Drug sensitivity test
Drug sensitivity test

Antibacterial drugs | Expert library
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Break point | Expert library
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Expert rules | Expert library
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View the species relationship and classification of bacteria.
Antibacterial drugs | Expert library
Break point | Expert library
Expert rules | Expert library
Microbial data cloud is an online comprehensive data analysis center built independently. Using cloud computing technology and relying on our 20-year microbial accumulation, it systematically collects and sorts out microbial related data at home and abroad, establishes a unified data specification through data cloud, and develops multiple functions of data retrieval and data comparison.
The cloud of microbial data is divided into three main plates: database, microbial drug susceptibility and identification.The database collects as much global microbial related information as possible and can realize information retrieval functions such as strain online information query, antimicrobial drug query, antimicrobial folding point query, expert rule query, and one key online retrieval of microbial information;Microbial susceptibility can realize many analytical functions, such as online drug susceptibility experiment results analysis, drug resistance gene analysis, and signature protein analysis;The identification module contains the most complete mode species information can complete microbial characteristics analysis, gene sequence analysis and mass spectral analysis, and realize online sequence alignment, species identification.
The microbial data cloud provides one-stop online information query and data analysis service for domestic and international users, which can effectively assist each user in the microbiological examination and scientific research work.